In 2008 Millennium Kids interviewed hundreds of young people about what they liked and what the did not like about their community – Climate Change was a major concern in every community we worked in. So in 2009 hundreds of young people have come together to create THE BIG SWITCH EXPERIMENT – a research and action program run by young people.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Fourth day of the Conference in Denmark

Tuesday 11th August 2009
Hi guys,

Welcome back to the fifth blog post from the Bright Green Youth Conference in Denmark.

Today presented the final 4 ideas that would go on to the United Nations Climate Change Summit (COP15) in Copenhagen, December 2009.

These ideas were:
1. Rain power - using the power of rain and running the water through turbines which generates electricity and then the water is stored.

2. Speed bumps - using the force that is generated from driving over speed bumps to generate electricity.

3. Senergy - using sound on freeways and busy streets to generate electricity.

4. Climate Educators - creating a website that allows students and teachers to share and communicate their ideas on climate change.

We are going to continue to work on our ideas over the coming months to see how we can incorporate them into our Big Switch Projects back in WA.
We made so many great friends and we made so much progress towards Climate Change! It was a wonderful opportunity!

Lewis, Alex and Samantha

Edited by Luke McMillan

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