In 2008 Millennium Kids interviewed hundreds of young people about what they liked and what the did not like about their community – Climate Change was a major concern in every community we worked in. So in 2009 hundreds of young people have come together to create THE BIG SWITCH EXPERIMENT – a research and action program run by young people.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Fourth day of the Conference in Denmark

Tuesday 11th August 2009
Hi guys,

Welcome back to the fifth blog post from the Bright Green Youth Conference in Denmark.

Today presented the final 4 ideas that would go on to the United Nations Climate Change Summit (COP15) in Copenhagen, December 2009.

These ideas were:
1. Rain power - using the power of rain and running the water through turbines which generates electricity and then the water is stored.

2. Speed bumps - using the force that is generated from driving over speed bumps to generate electricity.

3. Senergy - using sound on freeways and busy streets to generate electricity.

4. Climate Educators - creating a website that allows students and teachers to share and communicate their ideas on climate change.

We are going to continue to work on our ideas over the coming months to see how we can incorporate them into our Big Switch Projects back in WA.
We made so many great friends and we made so much progress towards Climate Change! It was a wonderful opportunity!

Lewis, Alex and Samantha

Edited by Luke McMillan

Monday, August 10, 2009

The third day of the Conference in Denmark

Monday 10th August 2009

Hi guys,

Welcome back to the fourth blog post from the Bright Green Youth conference in Denmark.

“Cultural ideas”

With roughly 300 people from around 41 different countries the views that were presented in our discussions were amazing. The different values that were shared by different cultures made it a truly fantastic experience and it is so much fun to take part in.

Some examples of this include:

The African representatives are very focussed on clean water.

The Russian representatives are focused on alternative energy sources.

The Indian representatives are focused on alternative transportation.

There are just so many views on climate change and what you put them all together the ideas that come out are simply amazing. We are having the judging of the ideas tomorrow but some of the ideas that we have seen so far include-

Rain energy

Renewable electric cars

Energy from toilet flushing

Clean water by using a complex system of reeds and microorganisms

And many more!!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

The Second day of the Conference in Denmark

Sunday 9th August 2009
Hi Guys,

Welcome back to the third blog post from the Bright Green Youth Conference in Denmark.

Today was all about us except for the 3 hours where we sang a song called 500 Minds.

After that for 2 hours we got lectures on innovation, how climate change is effecting different countries and also one on how to rethink about climate change. It has been full on but worth it.

Today Samantha was in a national Danish newspaper (we have a copy but it is in Danish) and she even got her picture in there and it’s on page two.

Then the challenge began, we went back to our home group and split into two different groups. From that we had to decide on a solution to something.

Alexander’s group chose to have theirs on OPERATION MOSHI, which is about educating youth in the Moshi region about deforestation.

Samantha’s group was going to make fans to put behind aeroplanes before they lift off to harness the energy it releases. Their next idea was collect rainwater to make electricity.

Then we got to have coaches giving us feedback which Alex’s group went to Action about how to make the campaign and Sam’s group went to Technology to see what the men in suits thought about our biofuel plant.
From AlexanderCraig, Lewis Whitehurst, Samantha Fielder and Janelle McGann
Edited by Luke McMillan

The first day of the coference in Denmark

Saturday 8th of August 2009
Hi Guys,

Welcome back to the second blog post from the Bright Green Youth Conference in Denmark.

Today we went to the first day of the ‘Bright Green Youth’ conference and we were really excited about the prospects on what we were going to achieve.

We had breakfast with our host families and then were driven to ‘ALSION’ – the site of the conference.

All the delegates and chaperons meet in the giant auditorium and were introduced to what we will be doing on the next four days.

We then split into our home groups and we went a room to meet each other.

We were introduced to the process of what we were striving to achieve.

We discussed all the energy problems and environmental problems in the world. In Denmark 50% of the energy recourses is created by wind turbines placed all over Denmark. Unfortunately the other half of the energy is created by coal powered generators. But because of half their demanded energy is wind generated they have significantly reduced their carbon footprint.

After discussing the energy problems and environmental problems of the world, we had lunch. After lunch and we discussed the solutions to the problems and visions to the problems. That took us the end of day.

We were then collected up by our host families and went back to where we were staying for dinner.

After dinner we then went back for the official opening of the conference. The Crown Prince of Denmark - Prince Frederick was there! Sam and Alexander were less the half a meter away from the Prince when he walked on stage!! That was awesome!
From Alexander Craig, Lewis Whitehurst, Samantha Fielder and Janelle McGann
Edited by Luke McMillan

MK team in Hong Kong

Wednesday 5th August 2009
Hi Guys,

Welcome to our first blog from our journey to the Bright Green Youth Conference in Denmark.

When we arrived in Hong Kong after leaving from Perth we disembarked the plane and were immediately taken aback by the sheer size of the airport.

When we left the airport the humidity really kicked in and there was hot rain.

We caught two buses to the Po Lin Monastery for a vegetarian lunch and we were off to visit the “BIG BUDDA”. We were almost blown away because the wind was extremely strong.

When we were up the top it was a magnificent view and Alex’s hat almost blew away. Then we caught the cable car back to Tung Chung bus station and then caught the train to the Mon Kok, where we shopped.

Then we caught the train back to Hong Kong airport were we stayed until our flight disembarked Hong Kong at 11:15pm.

It seems than plastic bags were also not used as the shop assistants didn’t give us plastic bags when we purchased things in the airport. They also had a three way recycling bin one for paper, one for plastic bottles and another for cans.

It was very interesting to see the difference between rich and poor in Hong Kong. On one side of the street there were tall rich buildings and on the other side there were very poor buildings.

The Public Transport system in Hong Kong was very cheap and efficient. Every where we went there was public transport available to every one. All the public transport was powered by electricity. The only emissions in public transport are the creating of the electricity.

This may be a great step towards reducing climate change and if we can get this going on all around Aus and maybe powering them by solar power we would be giving the environment a big help.

From Alexander Craig, Lewis Whitehurst, Samantha Fielder and Janelle McGann
Edited by Luke McMillan

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Tree Planting to Offset Carbon Emissions

Written by Luke McMillian (15)

On Sunday the 2nd of August Millennium Kids were invited by the City of South Perth to offset their carbon emissions by planting trees in New Norcia.

Our team had planted over 500 trees in just two and a half hours in the open fields just past the entrance of New Norcia.

We planted these trees in New Norcia because it is the area around where the Swan River begins and also to help prevent salinity.

As a thankyou to the City of South Perth for donating the air fares for 3 Millennium Kids to go to the Bright Green Youth Conference in Denmark, two of the delegates, Alexander Craig and Luke McMillan, participated as a way to offset the carbon they will create from the flights.

To celebrate and to thank us for our efforts, the New Norcia Hotel kindly gave us a complimentary roast lunch and a tour showing us parts of the town normal tours don’t get to see.

Most of the buildings that are there were built in the 1930’s and even further back like the 1800’s.

MK and CoSP Sustainability Ambassadors Explore the Swan River!

Mice Take the Lead and Tackle Climate Change!

Warning: contains mice. Running out of water? Let's get wise instead. This is part of a series by Squeaky Clean Productions, from the Office of Paul Llewellyn. Let us know what you think! Email

Climate Change: What is the latest news and What does it mean?

MK Think Tank Team Explore WA's Water!

MK Think Tank Team Explore WA's Water!