In 2008 Millennium Kids interviewed hundreds of young people about what they liked and what the did not like about their community – Climate Change was a major concern in every community we worked in. So in 2009 hundreds of young people have come together to create THE BIG SWITCH EXPERIMENT – a research and action program run by young people.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Wesley Design's Cartoon Characters for the BSE!

Let us know what you think of these Cartoon Characters for the Big Switch Experiment by commenting below!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

The plastic bag guy is brilliant. He certainly looks like the sort of person who lurks in dark alleyways waiting to strangle innocent sea creatures...

MK and CoSP Sustainability Ambassadors Explore the Swan River!

Mice Take the Lead and Tackle Climate Change!

Warning: contains mice. Running out of water? Let's get wise instead. This is part of a series by Squeaky Clean Productions, from the Office of Paul Llewellyn. Let us know what you think! Email

Climate Change: What is the latest news and What does it mean?

MK Think Tank Team Explore WA's Water!

MK Think Tank Team Explore WA's Water!