In 2008 Millennium Kids interviewed hundreds of young people about what they liked and what the did not like about their community – Climate Change was a major concern in every community we worked in. So in 2009 hundreds of young people have come together to create THE BIG SWITCH EXPERIMENT – a research and action program run by young people.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


On the 6th August 2009, four young West Australians will be travelling to Sonderberg in Denmark to represent Millennium Kids at the Bright Green Youth Conference - UN Youth Climate Change Conference 2009.

Bright Green Youth is the youth counterpart of the UN Climate Change Conference (COP15) in Copenhagen in December. During the Conference, the young people attending will come up with ideas and suggestions for what we can do to solve future climate challenges.

Our Australian representatives will be telling the world all about the BIG Switch Experiment- and we need your help to do it!

Please help us by answering these 4 Questions:





Write your answers to these questions by clicking on the 'comment' link below


On location in Mafikeng said...

Yes. they say the world is going to end. When is that going to happen? Then they say it is happening now? They say hurry up save the world now - it makes me reall sad - my kids kids wont have a life - that is scary.

On location in Mafikeng said...

All the information we get contradicts each other - how do we know which one is true?

On location in Mafikeng said...

Why does everyone say they are going to do something but they never do it!

On location in Mafikeng said...

What is the government really doing to help? What is the world doing to help?

Anonymous said...

Climate change to me is global warming. All car companies should have to make all there cars LPG cars not petrol.


Anonymous said...

Why should a few more degrees of warmth be a cause for concern?


Anonymous said...

I think the best way to stop or slow climate change is to invest more time and money in renewable energy and water saving ideas. These two things I believe will be the fastest way to achieve a slow in climate change.

Anonymous said...

I believe climate change is becoming a big part of every young persons life. Climate change will affect us in the future and it is our responsibility to make a difference now.

Thomas Crane,
Wesley College Perth WA

Anonymous said...

Climate change could just be a natural thing, and has been going on forever.
there isnt really any need to do anything, about it, but we should use it as an excuse to get big corporations and the such to cut back on their pollutants.
See, people like it when they can breathe.

Josh P said...

What is climate change?
the earth getting hotter less rain more storms.

What causes climate change?

Climate change is where you dont turn you electricity off and drive your cars all the time. Also where the earth gets hotter. Also when people burn wood and chemicals that get into the sky.

What can we do to solve climate change?
People need to drive less and they need to stop burning chemicals. Plant more trees. Stop cutting trees down.

Do you have a question about climate change?
What will happen if we dont do anything?

Josh P.
Millen Primary
year 5

Josh P said...

What is climate change?
the earth getting hotter less rain more storms.

What causes climate change?

Climate change is where you dont turn you electricity off and drive your cars all the time. Also where the earth gets hotter. Also when people burn wood and chemicals that get into the sky.

What can we do to solve climate change?
People need to drive less and they need to stop burning chemicals. Plant more trees. Stop cutting trees down.

Do you have a question about climate change?
What will happen if we dont do anything?

Josh P.
Millen Primary
year 5

Bedri G. said...

What is climate change?

Climate change is when the earth is getting polluted from people doing the wrong thing to the earth.

Climate change is the effects that we have put onto the earth with the earth getting hotter and there is less rain and the ice caps are melting and the oceans are rising.

Animals are getting killed and people are cutting trees down.

What causes climate change?
It is when people smoke and throw their butts on the ground and pollute the air. People use perfumes and spray cans which go into the air and affect the ozone layer. People cut down trees. Drive cars to much. people dont turn off their power when they arent in a room.

What can we do to solve climate change?
Do not use the heater to much in winter. Turn off lights when not in a room. Dont use to much power. Plant trees. Walk more not drive. dont use bug spray.

Do you have a question about climate change?
What will happen if you use to much bug spray?

Bedri G.
Millen Primary School
Year 4

Alwin J said...

The climate change is caused by
global warming.
It is caused by smoking,driving cars and using heaters.
We can solve climate change by walking more and using CNG gas.
No don't have any questions.

millen Primary

Geethma W said...

What is climate change?
I think climate change is abuot polluting,using gas,too much electricity,not recycling and smoking.

What causes climate change
Alot of things cause climate change like pollution,cemicles,smoking,too much gas,too much electricity,driving cars too much, and not recycling.

What can we do to solve climate change?
To solve climate change we can walk more often,start recycling,wear worm clothes instead of using the heater,no smoking and start saving electricity.

Do you have a questoin about climate change?
How do we repair the hole in the ozone layer?

by Geethma W.
Millen Primary School
Year 5

Mitchell D said...

What is climate change? Greenhouse gases, polution and melting icecaps.What causes climate change?Greenhouse gases, polution and smokers.What can we do to solve climate change?Shorter showers,resicle and ride my bike.Do you have a question about climate change?No Mitchell D millen primary school
year 5

Ethan .R said...

what is climate change?

Climate change is when people pollute the air and the water which pollutes the ozone layer.

what causes climate change?

Climate change is caused by bug spray,smoking,gas from cars and factorys.

what can we do to solve climate change?

We can solve climate change by driving cars less,not using bug spray,and not smoking.

do you have a question about climate change?

What will happen if we don't stop climate change?

Millen Primary School

Year 4

Anonymous said...

What is climate change?
climate change is when the earth is getting hotter.

What causes climate change?
using to much power. leaving the power on. leaving the gas on. caused from smoke in the air

What can we do to solve climate change?
Stop cutting down trees.
turn power off
ride your bike to work or school.
dont use the shower to much.

Do you have a question about climate change?


year 5 Millen Primary

Daisy said...

climate change is global warning,pollution,green house gas,rubbish and smoking.
people smoking,long showers,oil tanks in waters,rubbish,gas in the air.
short showers,rycycling,ride bikes,less smoking,fresh air,more bushes,clean water.
why are we geting hotter days?can we make it rain?

Millen Primary
year 5

Cale A said...

What is climate change?
I think climate change is global warming.

What causes climate change?
I think smoking,pollution,not recycling,electricity and driving cars.

What can we do to solve climate change?
TO solve climate change we need to walk more often,recycle more often,quit smoking,save electricity by turning off lights,by not driving cars as much as we do now.

DO you have a question about climate change?
How can we fix the hole in the ozone layer.

Cale A.
Millen Primary

Jessica said...

what is climate change? climate change is pollution in the air.what causes climate change?climate change is caused by people not recycling,cars,smoking,cuting trees down,ues less water,save more electricity, What can we do to solve climate change stop the pollution form going in the air.Do you have a question about climate change?How big is the ozone layer at the moment?
Millen Primary School.

Aywin O said...

Climate change is global warming.
What causes climate change?
climate change is caused by poluting air and water.
WHAT CAN WE DO TO SOLVE CHANGE? to solve climate change we can stop puting to much water when you take a shower, stop somking don't use to much electricity.
Where is the polution most.
Aywin o
Millen Primary School
year 4.

Alex W said...

what is climate change?
climate change is pollution in our world.
climate change is caused by cars,factory fumes,chopping down trees,ozone has a hole in it.
we can stop cutting down trees,ride to work.
you can stop cutting down trees.
Alex warrell millen p.s year 5

dominic c said...

What is climate change?I think climate change is green house gases,polution and water polution.What causes climate change?Smoking and factorys. Dominic c millen primary shool

Anonymous said...

What is climate change?
climate change is the burnig of the suns outer core.

What causes climate change?
Climate change is green house gasses and different particals in the universe...

Can we stop climate change?
Is the gouvernment doing as much as they can to stop the climate change for our future?

Simon Patenall
Milen Primary School- year 7

Anonymous said...

what is causing climate change?
we humans are causing climate change by leaving lights on when we are not in the room/ at home or not re-using our waste like plastic bags and plastic bottles and not re-cycling thungs like tins and empty milk bottles .


Anonymous said...

climate change is when the earth's
ozone layer burns a hole threw it
and then it gets hotter.

the sun burns a hole threw its ozone layer

not using cars so much and things that produce fossil fuels

samantha yr6 said...

what is climate change?
climate change is the changing of the weath/climate. the type of climate change that is happening right now is sometimes refered to as the green house efect.
what causes climate change?
climate change is caused by the polution that has been put into the air, and the way we are putting emitions in the air is because of driving to much, factory and other things.
what can we do to stop climate change?
we can take public transport or walk, turn off all lights when you leave the house and generaly try to make a difference. you don't have to do super big things to help if you do the little things to help and do them regualy then you a doing a lot better than doing one big thing.

Jalia Yr6 said...

what is clmate change?
Climate cange is something that is heating up our planet

what causes climate change?
people using appliences that burn fossil fuels

what can we do to stop Climate change?
stop using things like computers or TV's for as long and also having shorter showers.

Millen primary school
From Jalia

Anonymous said...

what is climate change?
climate change is global warming

what causes climate change?

from corey.c
Millen p.s.

Anonymous said...

Anonomys said
what is climate change? Climate Change is About the things we use everyday that produces Greenhouse Gases,that produces heat.Usually the Ozone Layer filters out the heat and Greenhouse Gases. The bad news is that the Ozone Layer has a hole in it so it means it will filter the Gases slower and keeping most of the heat in so that's hoe it is melting Antartica.

Huei Ming
Millen Primary School
Year 7

Anonymous said...

I do not like climate change.When will climate destroy the Artic?

Halima Year-7 said...

what is Climate Change?
It is the day to day changes which occurs in the atmosphere.
What can we do to stop Climate Change?
We should stop increasing the rate of Green house gasses in the air, this is the main factor for whichclimate is getting worse.
What causes Climate Change?
Plant more trees that which do not require large quantity of water, intead of cutting them off(deforestation), We can save the climate from being destroyed by lots of other things.

-Millen Primary School.

Ty Yr6 said...

What is Climate Change?
Climate Change is destroying or world by cause the temperture to get hotter.

What causes Climate Change?
It is cause by cars, chopping down trees and wasting water.

What can we do to stop Climate Change?
Stop wasting water, use solar power, stop driving your car and walk or ride instead and plant more trees.

Anonymous said...

climate change is when all the green house gases end up in the astmosphere.

all the gasses out of cars, trucks, motors ect get stuck in the astmosphere which wrecks our ozone layer.

We can stop climate change by use public transport instead of using we cut down on green house gases.

Anonymous said...

Anonmys Said
WHAT IS CLIMATE CHANGE?Climatechange is about how does the the weather goes and how the green house gases works.

If we don't recycle things we can cause climate change or if we don't use our electricity well like turning our TV off
when not using them.

To stop climate change we have to start to recycle things and stop cuting trees down.
Millen Primay School

Abdullah Yr6 said...

What is Climate Change?
Climate Change is when green gas is floating around and making the earth hotter.

What causes Climate Change?
People spreading gas around and using to much fuel and gas in things such as cars. Humans are destroying the earth and the layers of the ozone.

What can we do to stop Climate Change?
Stop using so much fuel and start walk or riding a bike. Educate others about what they should do. Plant more flowers and trees and use solar power for electricity.

Andrew. said...

What is climate change?
I think that climate change is greenhouse gases.
Millen p.s

Winton Yr6 said...

Anonmys Said What is climate change?
I think climate change is a hot temperature destroying the earth and it is putting a hole in the ozone layer.

What causes Climate Change?
Climate Change is cause by people with fuel and all carbon dioxide entering the air.

What can we do to stop climate change?
We can turn off lights when not in use, sort out your recycling, have shorter showers, put your rubbish in the bin and we should all try to drive less.

Anonymous said...

Anonmys Said
what is Change?
Climate Change is a Changing Climate.What causes Climate Change? Is gas admissions.
What can we do to stop Climate Change? We can do it by Cut down the amount of power we use.
Millen Primary School

Anonymous said...

Climate change is causing the world to heat up and causing the icebergs in Antartica and the Arctic to melt.

climate change is caused by the greenhouse gases that we release into the atmosphere. We do this by driving our cars, using electricity, and using everyday items.

There is lots of things we can do to stop climate change, but we have to work together, everyone has to help. For example, we can turn of the lights when we leave a room, walk, ride a bike or catch the bus to school or work instead of driving, turn appliances off at the wall, buy a solar panel or rainwater tank. There is a whole range of environmentily friendly products suited for everyones budget.

Millen Primary School
Year 6

Anonymous said...

Anonmys Said
what is climate change?
climate change is when the Earth is changing in a bad way like the earths seas are rising and islands will be forced to abandin.

What causes climate change?
Climate change is caused by to much carbon dioxide in our solar systum.
what can we do to stop climate change?
we can trsave water and try to use cars less.

by Leslie Millen Primary

Anonymous said...

Anonmys Said
what is climate change?
climate change is when the Earth is changing in a bad way like the earths seas are rising and islands will be forced to abandin.

What causes climate change?
Climate change is caused by to much carbon dioxide in our solar systum.
what can we do to stop climate change?
we can trsave water and try to use cars less.

by Leslie Millen Primary
year 7

Alana W said...

what is climate change?
Climate change can be lots of things like using to much gas,not saving water,smoking and not recycling.

what causes climate change?
Alot of things cause climate change like using alot of water,not turning off heaters and polluting.

what can we do to solve climate change?
To solve climate change we can start having shorter showers,stop smoking,don't use cars as often and recycle.

do you have a qustion about climate change? no

Alana W.
Millen Primary

Taylor S said...

what is climent change i think its diffent kinds of sprays that go in the air .

what causes climent change
i think its letresaty thats
been used.

what can we do to solve climent
change stop leaveing rubish around . do you have a question
about climent change
yes why do people smoke .

Taylor S.
Millen Primary
Year 4


Lisa A said...

What is climate change?
Global warming

What causes climate change?
Spraying sprays everywhere, dropping smokes anywhere and not recycling stuff thats supposed to be recycled.

What can we do to solve climate change?
Stop dropping smokes anywhere as much, recycle stuff more and dont use sprays as much.

Do u have a question about climate change?
Why is it so hard for people to give up smoking?

By Lisa A.
Millen Primary
Year 4

Brock.Mitchell said...

what is climate change?
climate change is globel warming.
what causes climate change?
people not taking care of there enviroment.
what can we do to solve climate change?
ride bikes more,dont chop down trees and recycle rubbish.
what does the hole in the ozone measure?Brock,Millen Primary School

HUEI WUEN said...

climate change is global warnig and pollution.
smoking,spraying can,rubbish every where,slimy water.
recycling,clean water,no smoking,short showers,less driving,no spraying.
why is always sunny days? can we somehow make it rain?


sophie Richmond said...

WHAT IS CLIMATE CHANGE? when the world is getting hotter beacause gases breakes the ozone layer,and rays of sun come in.

stop driving cars so much,switch of lights when not in use and have shorter hot water showers.

how long has climate change been going for?

josh.d said...

What is climate change? Its pollution,globle warming,chemicals and gases. What causes climate change? Gases,chemicals,car fumes and burning things. What can we do to solve climate change?We can build solar powered cars,do not use chemicals,do not use lights that often and walk more often. do you have a question about climate change?Do people even care about climate change?

Anonymous said...

What is Climate Change?;

Climate change is an alteration of environmental conditions ultimately resulting in a detriment to the ozone (primarily), along with the flora and fauna of the earth.

What Causes Climate Change?

Simply, an accumulation of carbon emissions produced by human activity resulting in a deteriation of the ozone layer which protects the earth from the full extent of the light from the sun.

What Can we do to Solve Climate Change?

To solve; Reduce living standards of the entire developed world. However mitigating measures such as day to day reductions can be made by conscious decisions to reduce carbon emissions.

Do you have a question about climate change?


TILAN D said...

what is climate change?i think climate change is the electricity that we use
What causas climate chnge?ithink wethe power we use itwhat we can do..
What canwe do solve climate change?Ithink to save climate change. we can stop using the electricity alot
i want to know how climate ghange works.

Millen Primary
year 4

Tahnee said...

What is climate change? climate change is global warming. what causes climate change? I think using electrity too much is causing climate change. What can we do to solve climate change? I think we could solve climate change by stop using electricity lots. Do u have a question about climate change? Yes. How hard will it be to fix climate change?

Millen Primary
Year 4

Rio said...

WHAT IS CLIMATE CHANGE?I think climate change is making the air drty. WHAT CAUSES CLIMATE CHANGE?I think drty smoke and gas causes climate change. WHAT CAN WE DO TO SOLVE CLIMATE CHANGE?
I think we sould stop smoking and burning things.DO YOU HAVE A QUESTION ABOUT CLIMATE CHANGE?no.

Millen Primary

Anonymous said...

climate change is the natural changes in the Earth's Life! Science Proves it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kevin Lieu
Wesley College 10

annelise o connor said...

Why doesn't the govt make everyone have solar power so we came get free hot water for a start!!!

Anonymous said...

I think schools should start making changes to use less paper electricity and gas to see if we can start to make everyone more aware of the needs to understand using less.

Anonymous said...

Hsve a fantastic trip make wure you learn losts and come back and teach us all lots about climate change.

Bradley said...

What is climate change?

Climate change is the effects the earth is facing from what we have done to the earth. Climate change is where the earth is getting hotter and summer is longer. It is also when we are getting bigger storms and stronger winds that effect the landscape of our earth. The air we breath is affected from the pollution. Climate change is a world problem that affects us all no matter where we live. Changes in climate patterns mean that extreme weather events such as heat waves, floods, droughts and bushfires will become more frequent, more widespread or more intense.

I think that climate change is the result of changes in our weather patterns because of an increase in the Earth's temperature, the land temperature is increasing. This is caused by increases in greenhouse gases in the Earth's atmosphere. This is from us using products that harm the air and the land we live on such as spray cans, driving cars to much etc. These gases soak up heat from the sun but instead of the heat leaving the earth's atmosphere, some of it is trapped, making the Earth warmer. We also are doing silly things where we cut to many trees down and burn fuels that kill the air.

I think that we all need to think about what we are doing to the earth. We need to drive less and have less waste products. We use to many chemical in our homes and work places that cause the earth stress. People need to walk more or ride bikes more. People need to recycle things and only use what we need. We need to look after the earth and plant more trees and stop cutting down so many. We need to stop large factories from burning bad chemical that go into the air.

Millen Primary School

Sarah said...

I think more awareness needs to be promoted, because a lot of people in the world refuse to acknowledge that climate change is even happening.

Or, even if they do acknowledge that global temperatures are rising, there are still people who don't think humans are to blame. And there is always a chance that they are right.

But even if there's say, only a fifty (or even just a forty or thirty) percent chance that global warming is caused by humans, shouldn't we be doing something about it anyway?

Is it a chance we really want to take?

Willetton SHS

Anonymous said...

Climate change is the effect of what we are doing on earth. This includes burning of rubbish and petrol.

Climate change is caused by the greenhouse gas effect.

We can help climate change by not using our cars so much, use renewable energy sources and only use what we need. Also we should recycle more of our waste so less rubbish is put into landfill.

Anonymous said...

Why aren't you doing anything major?

Anonymous said...

1. I think climate change is potentially irreversible long term climate patterns that differ from those that currently frequent the earth.

2. I feel that the causes are numerous and complex with both natural and man-made contributions.

3.Some of the causes of climate change are out of our hands. Our job is to work on the areas we can control like carbon emissions.

4.I have no questions

Jessica said...

1. What is Climate Change? Changes in the earths weather ie Summers are getting hotter, more storms.

2. What causes climate change? Global warming and green house gases.

3. What can we do to solve climate change? use less electricity, walk to school more often,find different resources to power cars.

4. Do you have a question about Climate change? How can i help to stop climate change?

Year 4
Millen Primary school

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